
This university is investing in its surrounding community with a comprehensive 程序 这支持和丰富了双招生课程中代表性不足的学生 in high schools to holistic 项目 and scholarships in college to career placement 从事毕业后工资稳定的工作.

伊利诺伊州的公立大学和学院的学生人数下降了26% 与此同时,美国约有三分之二的工作岗位正在流失.S. 需要 高等教育. 这些与新冠病毒相关的发现来自乔治城大学和 the Illinois Board of 教育’s 2018 年度报告, respectively, pointed to a trend 这对黑人和拉丁裔社区的影响尤为严重. 黑色的 student college enrollment has declined 37% in Illinois since 2013, according to the Illinois Board of Higher 教育 (IBHE) Presentation to Illinois Senate 教育 拨款小组委员会于2023年3月8日.

188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 (CSU) realized its own enrollment, retention, and graduation 数字下降,并在领导人的支持下重新制定了战略计划 in Chicago and Illinois to target individuals in underrepresented groups, particularly 在黑人社区,通过一个五年计划. 结果是CSU的首创 Cougar 承诺, a student-centered partnership with students, families, and communities aimed at dismantling the barriers to education equity for members of underrepresented 群体和缩小少数群体和多数群体之间的贫富差距.

To increase CSU’s enrollment, retention, and graduation 利率, Cougar 承诺 begins its outreach to students in middle and high schools, supports them through their degree 在科罗拉多州立大学的旅程,并通过结合他们的经验和经验来支持他们的职业规划 具有就业机会和毕业后可持续工资的技能. 这个综合 initiative engages the entire campus community and leverages staff expertise and existing 项目. 它还需要大量的协调和资源 all university offices and staff together to ensure students are prepared for success 除了毕业. 美洲豹承诺的数据驱动的学术项目,幸福 supports, and scholarships are demonstrated in the following four distinct pillars:

  • 第一支柱-大学预科: This pillar focuses on assisting students with getting into CSU and encouraging them to recognize that pursuing and earning a degree remains the best option for impacting 他们以积极的方式生活. 科罗拉多州立大学通过双招生实现了这一支柱的目标 courses for juniors and seniors at high schools, middle school 项目, summer camps, 领养学校计划,以及金融知识信息会议. 通过这些 efforts, CSU nourishes relationships with local families and asserts itself as a positive 在社区的影响力.
  • 支柱2 -准入和注册: 这一支柱旨在通过消除接受高等教育的障碍 经济障碍,提供非考试录取,以及审查和更新 政策. 美洲狮承诺的崛起学院体现了这一支柱的目标,提供 freshmen with scholarships; free tuition for their first year; free textbooks; no fees; a four-year personal laptop; and a dedicated advisor, workshops, and resources. 进入瑞斯学院的要求是参加为期五周的暑期活动 程序. 转学和继续教育的学生可以参加美洲狮承诺 through clear transfer pathways and benefit from the Cougar Return debt forgiveness 项目和小额赠款.
  • 支柱3 -保留和坚持: 这一支柱表明CSU致力于提供全面的支持服务 为学生的学业和个人成功. 他们不仅在学校接受辅导 out of the classroom, mentoring, intensive advising, flexible scheduling, and credit hour completion, but they also can benefit from CSU’s food pantry, transportation, 健康和保健服务.
  • 支柱4 -职业安置和准备: 这个支柱解决了科罗拉多州立大学如何支持被录取的学生的问题 除了写简历和准备面试之外. 通过美洲狮承诺,CSU连接 students to industry partners and coaches students on how to network, how to market their skills, and how to feel comfortable in corporate or professional environments. In addition, the students are offered experiential learning opportunities with industry partners, internships, and employment opportunities to prepare them for their careers.

作为唯一的U.S. 教育部指定,四年制,主要是黑人 institution in Illinois, CSU decided to take a leadership role in reversing the disturbing 影响这个社区的高等教育趋势. 它的美洲狮承诺是一个强大的 framework for educating scholars who lead in their professions, allowing generations 家庭投资于他们自己和他们的社区,克服障碍 为他们的成长和成功干杯.


CSU began conversations around its students’ success when Zaldwaynaka “Z” Scott, Esq., 2018年成为大学校长. 对其入学、留校、毕业、 and access data revealed a decline in college-going students and a list of barriers 影响学生行为. 因为鉴证组位于芝加哥最南边 随着学校经历这种低迷,科罗拉多州立大学决定解决入学问题. In reviewing the CSU strategic plan and the challenges the university was facing with 斯科特召集了一个由教务长领导的学生成功工作组. 的 task force consisted of members of the faculty, enrollment management, and the various 与学生密切合作的项目,可以让学生彻底了解 提供的学生服务,哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的. 他们发现 不同办公室的服务过度重复. 多个 项目 were attempting to tackle the same issue but on smaller scales with limited 评估每个项目的有效性. 特别小组在那里了解到这一点 某些学生群体的服务也存在差距吗.

Armed with this information, the 学生的成功 Task Force was broken up into groups that focused on a particular Cougar 承诺 pillar and identified initiatives under that pillar that needed additional support, personnel, and infrastructure to succeed. 对于每个支柱,明确的目标和利用现有学生成功的基础设施 建立了倡议. 例如,在第一个支柱下,科罗拉多州立大学的学术 Affairs Committee and Senate examined its existing internal 政策 and identified potential barriers to access such as admission 政策 relating to ACT and SAT scores 发展教育. 此外,犯罪现场组还聘请了一名专职协调员进行合作 与当地高中合作,建立美洲狮承诺的双招生项目.

斯科特的学术和行政团队也访问了乔治亚州立大学 Atlanta and Wayne State University in Detroit, both of which had seen noteworthy improvements 他们的入学率,保有率,毕业率. 斯科特和她的团队研究了这些 universities’ approaches and combined their recommendations and data with CSU’s findings 作为“美洲狮承诺”的基础. 鉴证组还制定了行动计划 of its strategic plan being written at that time for improving enrollment, retention, 并通过美洲狮承诺和崛起学院等项目毕业. 学生 成功计划于2020年秋季学期启动.

的 学生的成功 Task force continues working on advancing the mission of Cougar 对今天的承诺. 它检查问题,评估学生的潜在障碍 成功,并决定解决这些问题的方法. 例如,特别工作组正在工作 on the early warning system to make it more effective and streamlined so all students 谁能获得同样的好处呢. 目前的资金和新的捐赠来自 corporate and foundation partners have been reallocated to financially support Cougar 承诺. 其中包括由188bet金宝搏官网登录网址牵头的乔伊斯基金会 基金会,科罗拉多州立大学的主要筹款伙伴.


Cougar 承诺’s overall success is measured by enrollment, retention, and graduation 利率. 自实施以来,科罗拉多州立大学的Tier双生人数有所增加 1 high schools, the retention rate to 63% in the fall 2022 semester from 50% in the fall 2020 semester, the graduation rate by 9%, learning assistants across all colleges, 还有带薪实习的数量,以及与行业合作伙伴的“强势第一份工作”的数量. 美洲狮承诺的下一步是持续评估和修订 确定支柱的哪个组成部分影响最大的措施 关于项目的成功.


For higher education institutions interested in creating a 程序 similar to Cougar 承诺,他们应该检查他们的程序. 犯罪现场小组想在全校范围内实施 学生成功的框架. 然而,要做到这一点,它需要识别、评估、 协调各种学术和学生成功办公室之间的项目 避免冗余,更有效地利用大学资源.

此外,各院校应审查其学生资料. 犯罪现场调查组仍在努力 with several ongoing challenges, including providing social-emotional and mental health 对学生的支持,分解学生数据以获得更个性化的支持, building student confidence and a sense of agency for internships, and helping students 解释在科罗拉多州立大学学到的技能,并创造基于技能的学习机会.

Being intentional with each step will allow an institution to create and grow a 程序 类似于“美洲狮承诺”.